dotted swiss造句
- "She wore a crisp frock of yellow dotted Swiss, " the paper reported.
- All week long I planned what I would wear _ lavender dotted swiss?
- Like everybody else, he just assumed he could buy dotted Swiss at the local Joanne Fabrics.
- A feathered hat rose above a dotted swiss fitted jacket with little rosettes running across it.
- Then there was the demure Heidi-style apron, with its rickrack and dotted Swiss and heart-shaped pocket.
- It's difficult to find dotted swiss in a sentence. 用dotted swiss造句挺难的
- This was a woman who so loved dotted Swiss curtains with ball fringe that every window had them.
- Embroidery, pique and dotted swiss.
- Jeanne wore dotted swiss dresses and a black velvet ribbon around her neck with a silver feather pinned to it.
- "The dresses are beautiful, " she said, " in silks, linens and dotted Swiss, with tucking and ribbon trims ."
- Mama Bito whipped up one for me in an afternoon _ a little Dutch boy thing in white dotted swiss.
- Instead of the usual dotted swiss sundress, I slipped into a pair of jeans and one of my father's white dress shirts.
- But with the dotted Swiss wraps, the layered looks and bright colors, it at least has a cheery message _ if not particularly chic.
- You can spot him in the man's eyes every time he looks at his Jeanne-- his best girl in the dotted swiss and ruffles.
- Just 10 years ago, a set of race-car sheets on the bed or pink dotted Swiss cafe curtains for the windows would do the job.
- They sleuthed it out for us and located absolutely the last dotted Swiss of that type in upstate New York and we bought the lot.
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